Saturday, April 4, 2009

AC/DC 21/3/2009 Mediolanum Forum Milano

I can't say that much about this band and I definitely can't express myself about the aforementioned concert in Milano!
The show was spectacular including an awesome intro and the band took us by storm with the first song of the evening Rock N Roll Train. AC/DC really love to perform live and this is the main reason for us leaving the stadium shellshocked after 2 hours full of rock n roll anthems. The mighty Angus duckwalked every single bit of the stage, Brian giving everything he got, Malcolm, Cliff and Phil on the background oiling this amazing war machine called AC/DC!
Basically, the whole concert was a highlight, however I would like to point out my personal favourite: You Shook Me All Night Long and Angus's solo at the end of Let There Be Rock which lasted around 10 minutes, culminating in Angus rising above us on a platform at the end of the stage corridor!!!

Here are some videos from the concert:( First three my shots)

Stand up and be counted

For what you are about to receive

We are the dealers

We'll give you everything you need....